
The following tooling is recommended.

You may use alternatives but don't expect too much support from us. Please contact us if you're convinced that you have a better tooling environment.



Checking out the code

  1. Create an account on
  2. Create a remote fork of


  3. Install Git

  4. Create a local clone

    git clone<yourname>/Showcase.git

  5. Create a remote for the upstream project so that it is later easier to retrieve changes from the main repository.

    cd Showcase
    git remote add upstream

Compile and start the application 


We're using the Maven Wrapper ( here so must not install Maven first.

Use it just like you would use mvn, e.g. ./mvnw clean install. It will automatically download and install Maven if needed.


Change into the backend directorycd Showcase/backendcd Showcase\backend
Compile and Run Unit Test./mvnw clean installmvnw.cmd clean install
Run the application locally./mvnw spring-boot:runmvnw.cmd spring-boot:run

The backend landing page is accessible at http://localhost:8082 in a browser. Usually, you will use the frontend (see next step) to access the backend. However, the landing page of the backend lists some interesting URLs.

If you have a Camunda Enterprise Edition License key you can integrate the Camunda EE Cockpit App. Configure the file "~./m2/settings.xml" as follows (or merge it into the existing file if it already exists):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
      <username>{to be filled}</username>
      <password>{to be filled}</password>

Then you can build with 

./mvnw clean install -P enterprise

in the directory "backend" the full package with the Camunda EE Cockpit App.

API Gateway

Change into the API Gateway directorycd Showcase/apicd Showcase\api
Compile and Run Unit Test./mvnw clean installmvnw.cmd clean install
Run the application locally./mvnw spring-boot:runmvnw.cmd spring-boot:run




Change into the frontend directory

cd Showcase/frontendcd Showcase\frontend
Download node packages (dependencies listed in package.json)npm installnpm install

Build the application

npm run buildnpm run build

Run the developer version locally

(frontend is using http://localhost:8080 in your default browser)

npm run serve

npm run serve

File changes (type script files and sass files) will be recognized when the developer version is running. TypeScript and SASS files will be converted automatically and the browser is updated.

Flight Information Service

We're using the Maven Wrapper ( here so must not install Maven first.

Use it just like you would use mvn, e.g. ./mvnw clean install. It will automatically download and install Maven if needed.


Change into the flightinformation directorycd Showcase/services/flightinformationcd Showcase\services\flightinformation
Compile and Run Unit Test./mvnw clean installmvnw.cmd clean install
Run the application locally./mvnw spring-boot:runmvnw.cmd spring-boot:run

After these steps the Flight Information Service is running at http://localhost:8083 but there is no content to visualize. In the next steps the airport, airlines and flight connections data got to be imported.

Upload Airport Data Go to http://localhost:8083/csvUpload and upload file airport.csv from directory Showcase\services\flightinformation\src\main\resources\data
Upload Airline DataGo to http://localhost:8083/csvUpload and upload file airline.csv from directory Showcase\services\flightinformation\src\main\resources\data
Upload Connection DataGo to http://localhost:8083/csvUpload and upload file flightconnections.csv from directory Showcase\services\flightinformation\src\main\resources\data


Before starting the acceptance tests make sure you have already built the backend and frontend version (as described above).

Please close any Firefox open on Windows before starting the tests. Otherwise the test execution will fail because the user profile is already in use.

  1. Install/Unzip Portable Firefox in Version 42 
    1. Download Portable Firefox 42 for Linux
    2. Download Portable Firefox 42 for Windows
    3. Download Portable Firefox 42 for Mac (not tested yet)
  2. Run the Tests:
    cd Showcase/acceptance-tests
    ./mvnw clean verify -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin="PATH_TO_FIREFOX/firefox-bin"

    cd Showcase\acceptance-tests
    mvnw.cmd clean verify -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin="PATH_TO_FIREFOX\FirefoxPortable.exe"

The results can be viewed in a browser by opening Showcase/acceptance-tests/target/site/serenity/index.html after having executed the tests.

Open Project in IDE

The repository contains three main directories which can be edited using an IDE.

frontendFile → Open → Select Directory of Showcase/frontendNot recommended, no good plugin
backendFile → Open → Select Directory of Showcase/backendFile → Import → Maven → Existing Maven Projects → Select Directory of Showcase/backend/pom.xml
acceptance-testsFile → Open → Select Directory of Showcase/acceptance-testsFile → Import → Maven → Existing Maven Projects → Select Directory of Showcase/acceptance-tests/pom.xml


If you use Eclipse for Java Development then please configure it to use spaces instead of tabs:

  1. Click WindowPreferences
  2. Expand JavaCode Style
  3. Click Formatter
  4. Click the Edit button
  5. Click the Indentation tab
  6. Under General Settings, set Tab policy to: Spaces only
  7. Set an explicit Profile Name at the top of the dialog (this enables the OK Button)
  8. Click OK to apply the changes.


The run configuration of npm project does not show up in the run dashboard of IntelliJ by default. If you want to seem add them to the available configurations:

IDEA Checkstyle Plugin

We are using Checkstyle to ensure a high quality of code. Checkstyle is part of the build process if you have not fullfiled all requirements of checkstyle you will get errors.

To avoid building the project a lot of times to resolve Checkstyle errors you can install and use the Checkstyle-IDEA Plugin

Make sure to configure the right version of checkstyle in the settings of the Plugin (File/Settings/checkstyle). At the moment we are using Version 6.11.2

Updating the local working branch with upstream changes

To fetch upstream changes and rebase your locally commited changes against the upstream changes:

git pull --rebase

If you don't care about your locally commited and uncommited changes:

git fetch upstream

git reset --hard upstream/master


You want to contribute a change? Please read the Contribution Guide first!


  1. The documentation is hosted at
  2. If you wish to contribute you may create an account be clicking on "Sign up" on the top right hand side of the page. Preferably, select a user name like "firstname.lastname".
  3. Confirm the registration mail sent to you.
  4. Add a profile picture
    1. Click on the drop down on the top right
    2. Select menu entry "Profile"
    3. Select section "Picture
    4. Upload a photo
  5. Optional: You may wish to register yourself as watcher to the documentation space of Educama, so that you are notified by e-mail about changes. To do that click on "Watching" on the top right hand corner and select "Watch all content in this space".

Ticketing System

  1. The ticketing system is hosted at
  2. If you wish to contribute please use the same account as documented in the section "Documentation" above.

Your First Task

You want to start hacking? Have a look at our simple and bite-sized tasks with the label "SimpleTask".