Merging Pull Requests

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

If you have write permission to the main repository we ask you to take great care when merging changes to the main repository.


Please first configure your GitHub Profile to include your full name because your name will be visible in the Merge-Commit created by GitHub!

When merging pull requests, please check the following

  • (warning) All checks mentioned in the pull request have passed
    • "All checks have passed"
    • "This branch has no conflicts with the base branch"
  • (warning)Contribution Guide rules have been followed

Further Hints

Pull Request Notifications

If you wish to be notified about new pull requests (For more details see the GitHub Documentation at

  1. Open
  2. Click on "Watch" on the top right

Checkout Pull Request

If you want to checkout the source of a pull request (replace "tobiasschaefer" with the name of the repository):

# Initial setup of remote
git remote add tobiasschaefer

# Checkout
git fetch tobiasschaefer
git checkout -b ECM-123 tobiasschaefer/ECM-123