The Shipment Order (Case)

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  • shipment.cmmn
    The original case model created with the Camunda Modeler
  • shipment.png
    The exported graphic file displayed on this page.

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We model the editing of a transportation chain with a CMMN case. In the following we describe in more detail the CMMN model. 

At this point it is required a previous knowledge in CMMN and we explain solely the scenario's modelling.

The Case Model includes milestones, which, excluding the first milestone "Shipment Order Complete", represent the status of a physical transportation.

In the following we explain each milestone separately:

  • Freight picked up: the pre-carriage task is started and the goods have been collected from the sender (customer) to the responsible employee of a service provider.
  • Freight arrived at origin airport: the pre-carriage task is ended and the goods have been delivered to the departure airport by the responsible service provider.
  • Freight departed: self-explanatory (smile)
  • Flight arrived: self-explanatory (smile)
  • Freight arrived at destination airport: the on-carriage task has started and the good was delivered to the final-destination airport.
  • Freight delivered to customer: the complete on-carriage task has completed, with the delivery of the goods to the final receiver (customer).

These milestones will be used in the Sentries and the underlying Entry and Exit Criteria of applied stages and tasks.

How does a Case start?

For registering a new transportation request, we need to produce a new case-instance. The Human Task "Complete shipment order" is immediately activated and serves to an initial registration of the required data for a transportation.

As soon as this is completed, new tasks will be available on the Sentries of the Stages and Tasks.

How is a Case Structured?

Next to the initial task that registers a new transportation the Case includes three stages. The Stage "Manage shipment order" includes all tasks regarding the data of a request. For example, information on sender and receiver, description of the good to be transported, and the option to changed the desired services. The Stage "'Organize export"  includes all potential steps that are required to include the customer's selected services in the export task.

Respectively, the  Stage "Organize import" includes all potential steps that are required to include the customer's selected services in the import task.

Next to these stages, there is also an event based task, that is used for processing all the incoming documents.